Monday, March 29, 2010

another great group

This past week we had another great group. This is a group that always comes on Spring Break, but this is my first experience with them. They are from Freed Hardeman University. They did great things this week and were a huge encouragement to all.
A few highlights:
1. We had the Daihatsu the whole week!!!
2. Brian Wallace came thru for a night as he was traveling back to the United States
3. The Beckham family came for a visit. On top of being a huge support and encouragement to me they were able to see Rosmery, the child they have been supporting for a very long time.
4. Great singing every night
5. Lots of involvement from some of the Dominicans I am very close too
6. Dr. Pepper
7. a newly painted house (pictures coming later)
8. so many awesome people. these people that came were just awesome people. I know that they are a shining light on the campus of Freed Hardeman just as they are here.
9. teaching children to be "orgulloso"
10. continuing our relationship with the Acapulco school
To Blake: thank you for being such a great leader and an awesome friend. Keep bringing great groups and encouraging Sigma Rho to be a huge part of what goes on here.
To the Beckham Family: Blake, Katie, and Mrs. Jan, I love you guys very much. It is going to be hard to start groups without having so many people I know. You have been a huge part of my life and I am grateful for everything that you do.
To Sigma Rho: I pray that you continue to be the shining light on Freed's campus like you were here. You were great. We love you. And keep coming back. Oh yeah, and win Makin' Music!
Dear God,
thank you so much for terrific groups. Thank you for the opportunity to work with these groups. It is truly and honor and privilege to work with them. And the ones likes Sigma Rho make it so much easier. I love you every day.

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