As we have groups come in here it is always a great surprise to get little reminders of things of the past that you love so much.
Cloverdale church of Christ is here right now. They are from Searcy, Arkansas. This is the third time that they have been here while I was here and it is so nice to see some familiar faces of people that have been here in the past. I also saw a familiar face come thru the airport. Jeremy Daggett was a friend and classmate in college at Harding and he is here right now with the group from Cloverdale. We were both Spanish majors at Harding and had quite a few classes together, so it has been nice to see him. And the little things too have been nice as good reminders of my time in Searcy. Just the way they sing songs and things like that and seeing some familiar faces and some small connections to people that I know and love and miss has been great. One girl from the group is actually in chorus at Harding Academy where one of my great friends is working, Elizabeth Harrell.
This group has been a huge encouragement and a great small reminder of a place I love and miss a lot.
Thank you for the small reminders of things we love. Thank you for bringing great people into our lives and always looking out for us. I love you every day.