Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

2010 is officially over. Happy New Year to all of you.

As 2010 ends I spend some time to reflect. It has been an amazing year and I have only God to thank that I am where I am today. Our team has come so far in a short year and we have even come to the point that we are ready to take on a whole new project.

As you start this year I pray that all of you are able to spend some time with the people you love and with the Creator.

Have a great start to the New Year.

Dear God,

Bring us a prosperous New Year. When the world says that they usually are speaking of prosperity in a economical sense. But, I ask for prosperity in the harvest of your Kingdom. Bring the rains of your Holy Spirit to water the hearts of the people of the Dominican Republic. Help us to be your hands and feet and to never take the credit for the work that you do.

I love you everyday!